
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Making torans for Diwali

Apart from crackers and festivities, Diwali festival is also popular for the renovation and decoration of one’s home. The main idea behind the custom of decorating the homes and offices on Diwali is to please and attract the Goddess of wealth, Goddess Lakshmi as it is popularly said that she enters only in a clean and decorated home. Thus apart from the entire home, the decoration of the entrance of a place, which is called 'dwaar', also becomes very important. The beautiful door hangings that are called 'Bandanwaar', or even torans, have special significance as the decorative accessories in Diwali festivities.

These bandanwaars (torans) are the first thing that welcomes your guests as they step at your place. These door hangings not only enhance the charm of the main entrance of your home but also give a friendly welcome to those who drop in to wish you on Diwali.
If you dont want to buy torans, you can make these at home. Today in Crafturday Creative Mess Diwali Special I will tell you how to make beautiful torans.
Supplies you will need:
Shimmer card stock
Sparkles, Mirrors and beads
Gold and White satin ribbons

Cut out the card stock into  number  of small squares  depending upon the width of your entrance.
Glue mirrors on to these cards in the shape of Om and Swastik. I needed 10 such squares for my entrace. So I made Om symbol on 5 cards and Swastik symbol on other 5 cards.

Take a gold satin ribbon and staple this card to the ribbon. Insert few colourful beads and then staple the other card. Try to place the Om and Swastik symbols alternatively. You can also add small bells. And your colourful toran is ready.

Linking it to Weekly story 54
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If you tried making these, then click some bright pictures and send them to me at I like kind comments too. Please feel free to drop a note! :) Thanks for stopping by!
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Note: Images that are not watermarked are collected from various sources on web.

1 comment:

  1. The torans.. are lovely!! :-) Thanks for linking in..
