
Saturday, November 12, 2011

C.C.M 12 - Dream Catcher

Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams both good and bad. The dream catcher when hung over or near your bed swinging freely in the air, catches the dreams as they flow by. The good dreams know how to pass through the dream catcher, slipping through the hole in the center and slide down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The bad dreams not knowing the way get tangled in the dream catcher and perish with the first light of the new day. The dream catcher has been a part of Native American culture for generations.
Supplies you will need:
  • A ring- I used a metal ring about 3 inches in diameter
  • Suede like lacing to wrap the metal ring
  • Some thick strong thread
  • Some beads and feathers or other embellishments you might like to use.
Let’s get started...!! Glue one end of suede like lacing to the ring you are using.  Wrap the lacing around the ring until you have covered the whole thing. Glue the end of the lacing to the ring.

To make the hitch knot, you place the string loosely over the top of the ring and then bring the end up through the hole that you’ve made as per the diagram below.
Repeat this evenly around the ring, about 8 times.
You continue with the hitch knot for each additional round that you make around the ring. With rounds 2 and beyond, instead of making the hitch knot around the ring, you will be making it around the center of each stitch from the previous round.
When you get near the end, make a stitch twice in the same spot and tie the string off.

Use additional lacing (or string if you prefer) to create a hanger at the top of your dreamcatcher. You may want to adorn your dream catcher  with beads and/or feathers. I used a pegion feather and few barbs from a peacock feather.  There you are with a beautiful dream catcher!!
People believe that the dream catcher should be hung in the room in which we sleep: above the bed, on the door, on a window, or as we choose.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
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Note: Images that are not watermarked are collected from various sources on web.


  1. Loved the story of the dream catcher.

  2. Wow love this.


  3. wonderful neelima...ths s soooo adorable...

  4. WONDERFUL… absolutely stunning.. the dream catcher is the girls room is old.. and Sims has been meaning to redo it.. I must share this with her..

  5. oh this is lovely neelima.

  6. That is so nice! What a fantastic idea! My girls would love this!

  7. great idea....thanks for visiting my blog and inviting to party but by the time I got was closed so next time..following u.

  8. Thank you all........
    @nayana: Hi... i didnt notice that my inlinkz thingy is not working till you pointed it out.

  9. Thanks for sharing the tutorial,,will trybsometime,.

  10. I enjoyed reading and remembering the story of dreamcatchers. Great tutorial! :)

  11. First time on you blog, great work. Love the ideas and tutorials.

  12. Hi Neelima, thank you so much for the tutorial on making a dreamcatcher. I have seen many beautiful ones here where I live. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
